Thursday, July 1, 2010

31 Weeks (really really long blog)

Well it's been a while since my last blog so maybe I will have a lot to write about.  I'm not feeling good today and I'm in a bad mood so this might be a cranky sweet blog.

Let's start with Balducci Brothers Crawfish cookout...(named this because I don't know the reason we were here)

I don't have any preggo pictures from this day but my dad looked.........cute.

Then Patrick decided to make fun of me :(  At least he looked cute doing it.

We finally have Shelby's room done!!!!!!!!!!  I don't have any recent pictures but here are a few for now.  There is actually some stuff added now.  I will try to get new pictures on the next blog.

This says "every child has a story yet to be told".  Rachel got me this for my birthday.

Ahhhhhh...the rocking favorite spot in the whole house!!!

We had a fun little Memorial Day weekend.  Saturday we went to Cass & Jay's house for a cookout.

This is my FABULOUS dessert that everyone loved...of course.

Braeden riding on THE BACK of the golf cart...yes he got in trouble

Che and Sarah playing washers

Matt and his daddy playing washers

The "adult only" volleyball game

To end the day: One of Braeden's many temper tantrums.

Then Sunday we went swimming at Buffalo Point.  It sucks to be the mom because you never get to be in any pictures :(

Matt and Braeden playing with water guns

Silly boy with his blue mohawk

My hot hubby :) He makes me smile

Then we went to FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!  We have been planning this trip for months and months and months!!!

Here I am in my cute floppy hat

SOME of the group...there were 23 total
(Eric, Rachel, Seaera, Beth, Matt, Me, Ally, Anna Kate, Jeremy, Jill, Melanie, & Billy)

Had lots of fun with these girls...even though we didn't spend much time with them.
(Jill, Melanie, Rachel, & Me)

Steve, Braeden, & Matt with a tank that Matt's grandpa used to drive (not this actual one)

My favorite picture of Matt and Dewey Destin's.  Our favorite restraunt!!

Matt and Brae looking for crabs (braeden called the crab holes footprints LOL)

Matt eating NASTY oysters

My wonderful in-laws (Steve & Linda) They made this whole trip possible!

Braeden covered in sand

Braeden and his cousin Noah

Matt's cousin Jill took some AWESOME pictures of all the families on the beach.  Here are a select few from our family.

and a few maternity shots

We had an amazing vacation that was full of activities and family time.  I can't wait to do it again...only next time we will have a little angel with us!

The weekend we got back was my other angel's birthday.  John Parker turned 3!!!  I can't believe how fast he is growing up!!

Here is the precious birthday boy!!

Sara and I...she just had her baby (on Monday 6/28...i think)
Lauren was fanning us!!

Jack and I (Lauren's 2nd baby)

This is not a good angle...

Braeden got to bust the pinata open

Here I am at 30 weeks


I went to the doctor on Tuesday (6/29) and Shelby weighs 4 pounds 7 ounces.  She is just a growing!!  Dr. Holland said she will probably be an 8 pounder.  When I was born I weighed 9 pounds so its in our blood!! 

I still haven't conquered peeing in the cup.  I'm to the point where I can't see the stupid thing...I will spare you with the details.  Let's just say its not pretty.  I have to do this every month and its an ordeal everytime!!!  UGGGHHH

I am having sleepless nights...I just toss, turn, and go to the bathroom all night long.  I bet our water bill has doubled over the past few months.  Not that flushing a toilet will change your bill that much but I swear I flush it 27 times a day. 

Another weird thing...if I go more than 2 days without shaving my legs I can't sleep.  There have been many many nights where I have to get up out of bed at midnight (drugged up on Tylenol PM) just to shave.  It's the most annoying thing ever!!  I have not heard of anyone else doing this.  Matt always jokes with me because I used to NEVER have clean shaven legs.  Never, ever, ever!!  In fact, on our FIRST date they were hairy and he called me out on it!!  HOW EMBARASSING!!!!  WHAT WAS I THINKING????

Well I have 8 1/2 weeks to go and a busy busy month of July planned.  So I'm starting to freak out a little bit.  I have 2 baby showers planned so hopefully after those I will have some relievement. 

Stay tuned for more baby updates...


Friday, May 21, 2010

25 Weeks (on Monday)

It's been 3 weeks since my last post and a lot has happened!!!

Here I am at 23 weeks.  Looking cute as always!!

Here I am at 24 weeks.

I went to the doctor on Tuesday the 18th.  My appointment was at 10:45 but my doctor told me to come in 30 minutes early and go have my glucose test done.  So I got there at 10:15 waited forever finally got called back to drink THE DRINK.  It wasn't that bad.  Everyone had me freaking out about it and it kind of tasted like lemon lime kool aid.  (Today I found out there is something else that I will have to drink.  I'm wondering if thats THE DRINK???)  Anyways, I had to drink the stuff go to my doctors appointment and come back an hour later.  I sat in the waiting room for a full hour went and had my blood drawn came back to the waiting room sat for another 30 minutes and FINALLY got to go see Dr. Holland.  I was miserable by the time I got out of there.  We did get to have another ultrasound done:

You may not be able to tell what they are but some are of her face and a couple are her privates.  I had them double check to be 100% sure she is still a girl.

A coworker of mine just had a baby last week and 4 or 5 weeks prior to that they found out that their baby wasn't a boy like they thought they were having.  So I didn't want any surprises!!

Here is what happened to my arm when I had my glucose test done.  It looked a lot worse by the end of the day. 

Here it is today:

My next appointment is June 10th.  We won't be having an ultrasound done that time but the time after that we will.  So I can't wait to see how big she will be then. 

Now that the weather is better I have been ADDICTED to garage saleing!!  I can't get enough of it.  Most of these clothes are from garage sales. 

There are even more clothes now.  This was as of May 9th.  I have been to 3 days of garage sales since then!!  I can't stop buying her stuff!!  Today I went and spent $7.  I got some monitors (just in case I don't get that as a shower present), 3 outfits, and a diaper bag.  My MIL has made a nursery at her house and she got everything at garage sales.  She got a crib, a headboard for a bed, and the bedding as seen below. 

Hopefully nobody in the family has a boy because that poor child will be sleeping in a purple room and pink bedding. 

I have my nursery all done but I'm waiting on my mom and Matt's mom to come look at it before I post pictures on the internet.  (if I do then they won't come out to my house) :)  (Renee, you better come before you leave for FL.  I don't know if I can wait that long.)
